
Drawing is a playful reciprocal exchange where a mark offers suggestions, speaking to the child and the child responding in return - an ongoing interactive d is launched.
Drawing has the potential to be a powerful avenue for children and we recognise it can sit in relationship with everything we do. Each mark, line and movement hold a delicate exchange between the child and the marks - discovering, symbolising, describing and creating.

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Franck.F. (n.d.). FrederickFranck.org
Malaguzzi cited in Cagliari, P., Castagnetti, M., Giudici, C., Rinaldi, C., Vecchi, V., & Moss, P. (Eds.). (2016). Loris Malaguzzi and the Schools of Reggio Emilia: A selection of his writings and speeches, 1945-1993 (1st ed.). Routledge. p. 309
Kolbe, U., (2005) It’s Not a Bird Yet. The drama of drawing. Peppinot Press. P.10
Hockney, D., Cited in Luoma, N. (2022). A Line Has Time in It. Exhibition, Persons Projects.

The Creative Collection is an inspiring series that reimagines arts practice in ECE. In a time when art is often reduced to simplistic activities, these books champion vibrant and exciting experiences that celebrate individual expression. These books move beyond "cute" art, presenting it as a dynamic force that fosters a child's unique voice and creativity. The introductory book outlines key guiding ideas, serving as a philosophical compass for authentic creative practice. These foundational ideas include threads of creativity, contexts for teaching, learning, listening, materials, time, documentation, and reflection.
WENDY LEE, Director Educational Leadership Project, NZ